I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I got up close and personal with an elephant trunk... On a recent visit to the Elephant Cafe in Livingston, Zambia, I had the mind...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I watched a kid being born. As in a goat, that is. A goat I suggested be named Esmeralda. Why? Because I could. And because they wanted a...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I watched the storm roll in over the Inyanga Mountains... ...of Northeastern Zimbabwe. The vivid green of moments before paled and...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I lost a staring contest with a Hyrax. Also known as a rock rabbit, and get this - the closest living relative of the elephant. Who would...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
The silk of an immature corn cob caught my eye... Prettily beaded in morning dew, sparkling in the early morning light. And I marvelled...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I came upon the boy in the wheelbarrow... ...and was reminded of how simple it was to have fun when I was little. Except the little boy...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I crossed an African river on a simple ferry... ...the warm dry wind of the African winter cooling my face. Strung on cables, powered by...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I was attacked by a Praying Mantis. Yes, really. There I was, minding my own business, mesmerized by the beauty of a flowering, fruiting...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I watched the sun set over the Zambezi from a sky chair under a mango tree. Enough said. #IHadntReallyLivedUntill

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I saw the joy in the face of a little girl named Ellie, all because she found a turtle... Or is it a tortoise? Never mind. If those...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I took a closer look at the beauty of the flowering papaya tree.. That was right before the Praying Mantis attacked me, so it was a two...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
I saw this relic of a previous age and realized it was still a reality for some... Wandering through a quiet forest in Zambia, I came...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until....
The Frog Who Stalked Me ....I felt eyes upon me and looked down the leg of my chair to lock eyes with an exquisite, if beady eyed Zambian...

I Hadn't Really Lived Until...
The Elephant Who Charged Me....(and about dozen others) Looks nice, yes? Horse and rider peacefully communing with handsome African...