Susannah West Cord
Here to help you grow...Life Coach, Author, Speaker, FreelanceWriter, Horsewoman
(not necessarily in that order)
Here's A Quick Overview of Susannah's Written Work
and where to find it (click on image to go to book)

Seeds of Change
Seeds of Change is available in print, PDF and as an eBook!
My books, first Seeds of Change and then Each Wind That Blows, came out out in 2014. They chronicle the Offbeats riding safari of March 2012 that spun my head around, pummeled my heart and made me rethink a whole bunch of things. Like loss, grief and forgiveness, my purpose and what exactly is happening to eco-systems around the world. All while having a thrilling ride through one such extraordinary eco-system...
In January 2013, I returned for another safari with Offbeats with photographer Billy Dodson and his son and videographer, Tom Dodson. The photos from this safari abundantly accompany my text in Seeds of Change.
Originally a story I made up for my little niece Zoe, after the passing of my mother, getting Fenella published became a symbol of honoring my mother and her lifelong faith in me as well.
People love the Fenella book for the fantastic illustrations by Ditte Gade, and for the message of perseverance, hope and allowing your worst moments to become your greatest opportunities.
Originally published in online publication, Horses For LIFE, I am now in talks with an equestrian publisher with a view to gather up and review my articles and my columns Riding By Torchlight, to be published in an anthology. What began as tales of the life and horsemanship lessons taught me by my very sweet, very challenging, ex-racehorse Thoroughbred gelding, Torchlight, the column evolved into a commentary on the equestrian times we live in and more.
I am also considering starting up a new round of Riding by Torchlight in blog form at my equestrian website, Torchlight Training. Because if I'm not riding, I'm writing. That is, if I'm not travelling.
This is where I get to write about anything I want. Absolutely anything that strikes my fancy. A blog that might involve photos, videos, stories, or jokes or...you get the picture.