Susannah West Cord
Here to help you grow...Life Coach, Author, Speaker, FreelanceWriter, Horsewoman
(not necessarily in that order)
The DreamBuilder Vision Workshop
Calling Fellow Dreamers and Life Builders!
Everyone once in a while, we all need to hit the pause button, take stock and regroup. Take a closer look at where we are experiencing longing and discontent, discover the corresponding dream, then define and determine what action steps we may take to start our journey towards a happier and more fulfilling life. It’s not always an easy task to accomplish on our own, we are too close to the trees and too enmeshed in the frame of the very picture we are trying to pull into focus. That’s where workshops and life coaching come in, creating a sacred space within which we may dream big, dig deep and rediscover a sense of purpose and joie de vivre in taking the steps that will bring us to the life seeking to emerge from within us.
Combining the proven and time tested principles of the DreamBuilder curriculum with readings from her critically acclaimed memoir, Each Wind That Blows, Susannah guides participants through a four hour workshop to uncover the longings that stir and tease in the depths of our soul, the unlived life that will sow seeds of unhappiness if not explored in full. Using the power of the imagination and guided exercises, participants will find they have more potential to change and redirect their life experiences than they may have thought, and ultimately, will determine some real world action steps that they can easily take to set their feet on a new and happier journey.
Based upon the teachings of Life Coach and mentor, Mary Morrissey of The Life Mastery Institute, the DreamBuilder Program has been forty years in the making and is a reliable, proven and repeatable system of spiritual and practical principles that grounds the mind while uplifting and empowering the spirit. Combined with the powerful spiritual teachings from Susannah’s own life, the Vision Workshop aims to introduce attendees to an empowering and enlightening program that also is a lot of fun and never fails to inspire.
In writing Each Wind That Blows, Susannah West Cord sought to understand not only the challenges of life, but the powerful spiritual experiences that had shaped her thus far. In discovering the DreamBuilder Program, Susannah realized its profound resonance with her own book was another wake up call, and that the program in fact provided the iceberg under the tip she had experienced and her book described. In combining the two, workshop attendees are treated to readings from Susannah’s book that shed further light on the very principles they are engaging, deepening and enhancing the experience of their own search for fulfillment.
If you're interested in registering for a workshop, please see Events page for upcoming dates.
If you are interested in hosting a workshop, please contact Susannah at susannahcord@gmail.com or text ‘WORKSHOP’ to (828) 817 4997 and you will be contacted promptly. Hosts participate in workshop for free. Minimum of five paying participants required, but there is no upward limit!